Tuesday, July 21, 2009

already 20

nh cake yg my papa n mama blikan..
comey ja kan?
genap gak umo aku jadi 20 taun nh...

Thanked God sbb bg pnjg umo aku
till this moment...
Thanked God sbb bg aku pluang untuk
rasa setiap saat bahagia dlm hdup aku
stakat nh...
Thanked God sbb bg aku pluang untuk
sesekali berada dlm kesusahan...
Thanked God sbb bg aku the best
people around...untuk
berkongc setiap detik2 itu...
Thanked God for everything...



-22nd july 1989-

thanks kpd yg ingat
n thanks for all the wishes


Monday, July 20, 2009

anda lelaki HOMOSOSIALITI???

gerunkan tajuk dia?
kalau tak gerun pun pndai2 la amek ati
c pnulis nh..hak2..
entry tidak lucah ini sengaja dijadikan menu
untuk mnarik pembaca dilaman blog nh...
skdar memberi ilmu dan berceloteh dikala boring...


sebelom anda terkeliru,elok jika aku terangkan dari
mula bhw homososialiti nh bukanlah sesuatu yg
bersekutu dgn homoseksualiti atau homoseksual
atau hubungan songsang sama jenis atau
homososialiti sebenarnya berkaitan dengan naluri
homososial lelaki stereotipikal. nak dimudahkan cerita,
homososialiti beerti naluri lelaki untuk bersma
(tanpa nuansa seksual) lelaki lain.

kebersamaan di antra lelaki blh membwa kesan yg baik.
apabila seorg lelaki bersma dgn seorg lelaki yg lain,
dia bleh blajar tntg sifat kelelakian n menjadi lbh macho
dan yakin pd dri sndri.
tetapi ingat....setiap yg baik ada gak yg buruknya..
misalnya,jika seorg lelaki terbwa2 sifat macho hngga dia berfikir
n bertndak spt dinasor, mlhat wanita sbg satu alat
atau simbol seks, tidak dpt berkngc perasaan dgn org
lain atau hnya bleh berinteraksi dgn lelaki shj...
ini bleh mmbwa kerugian dmasa depan..

entry HOMO bersmbg....
sdg mncari bhn....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

say NO!!!! to....... (3)

G.R.E.E.N over your Office

most people spend an average of 9 hours in
the office everyday. so there's no better place to
start greening over your life. time to
circulate this page as a memo!!!

1. Opt for Organic Coffee
- can't live without your morning cuppa? buy shade-grown
coffee n bring ur own French press to work.
Shade-grown coffee promotes biodiversity in coffee-growing
countries by preserving the natural habitats of many
species of birds, as land doesn't have to be cleared
to make way for coffee plantations.

2. Digitise all Your Documents
- you already know all about recycling paper, but take things
one step further by digitising all ur documents. a portable
hard drive is a more convenient option than
lugging around stacks of documents and files.

3. Skip the Screensaver

- contrary to popular belief, screensavers does't save
but zap unnecessary energy, so make sure u set ur computer
to hibernate instead or shut down ur computer
if u r not using it.

4. Recycle ur Ink Cartridges
- companies like Hewlett Packard Malaysia allow u to
drop off used ink cartridges at their stores.
if u have toner cartridges for collections, call HP
Planet Partners Recycling Program at
ink cartridges contains highly toxic subs,
particularly if they find their way into the water
supply or are incinerated.

5. Use Refills
- it may be one tiny pen, but think about how many
u go through in a year! refills are not just greener
but they r cheaper too. we like the
Pilot G2,Rm4.90,which writes smoothly n has a rubber
grip for a comfortable writing experience.
refills for the cost Rm3.50.
suggest buying refillable at ur next staff meeting
and i guarantee ur boss will be
writing u in his good books.

wait for the next entry....

Friday, July 17, 2009

say NO!!!! to...... (2)

G.R.E.E.N over your home

good habits really do start at home. so work these little
ways of saving the planet into your daily life
and you can make a difference too...

1. Take Bucket Baths
- a 10 minutes shower with a normal showerheads uses
about 9L of water every minute. cut the amount of
water used by taking a bucket bath instead-rinse ur body,
lather using a sponge to wash the lather off.
if the bucket baths aren't quite ur thing,u can still save water by turning
off the tap while shampooing and soaping up.
this should save u approximately 20L of water.

2. Make a Switch To Organic Tampons
- not only are they free of toxins and pesticides, organic
tampons are also not bleached by chlorine and do not contain
synthetic materials like rayon. the use
of certified organic cotton also removes the risk of direct
exposure to residues from chemical pesticides
and fertilisers used in traditional cotton farming.
u may try Natracare orgganic cotton tampons (rm 29.90)
available at Just Life Stores.

3. Dry off With Organic-cotton Towels
- cotton that is farmed organically protects our water supply,
soil,air n the environment. it encourages biodiversity by using eco-friendly
insects to enhance cotton yields,which in turns reduces the need for
pesticides n toxic chemicals.
rub urself down wth Pinzon Bamboo
Cotton Bath Towel (usd15) or Ralph Lauren
Spa Organic Towel (usd10).
available at

4. Track ur Energy Consumption
- bring ur electricity bill down by about 3% by turning the
thermostat of ur air-cond up by 1 degree celcius. also, almost 1 quarter
of the energy used in homes is used for lighting and appliances.
be sure to turn off lights if you're not in the room and try to illuminate
ur home with fluorescent bulbs.

5. Clean ur Fans Regularly

- fan blades covered in dirt and dust require more power to
spin. cleaning your fan regularly not only makes it
more energy efficient to run, u'll get a stronger, cooler blast
from it too.

6. Wash when It's Sunny

- laundry taxes the environment because it uses lots of water n energy,
so do it only when u have a full load. choose Phosphate-free
n biodegradable detergents that have been awarded
the Green Label. like Attack 2-in-1 Detergent + Softener (rm13.20)
and always treat stains with non-toxic removers.
skip the dryer and make use of Malaysia's ever sunny
weather instead! sunlight has an antibacterial effect too so ur clothes
will be double clean.

entry lagi bersambung.....

say NO!!!! to.....


over your life

yes..i understand some of you might
be sick of hearing the words
"green" and "global warming".
but the fact remains that even
after all the messages that have been
practically force fed to us, most people still,
frankly, don't give a damn about the environment..

entry bersambung.....

the real story bout MALE INTIMACY

...why can't men talk to each other
about feelings?
they do but in their
own language...

it isn't true that men don't talk about their emotions, their relationships n fears. we do it all the time. the only difference between women n men is that male intimacy has always taken place in code.

it begins early, when boys realise that if u want someone to be ur friend you get ur Matchbox car n go "brrrmmmm!!!" over his sandals. he will respond by getting out of his Matchbox and making that "Neee-eeow-ccrassh!!" noise that is universal among boys of all ages.

later,they will compare the specifications of their model cars and later still the cars themselves. although the subject matter changes, the subtext remains constant. "Nice car, mate" means "will u be my friend?"
and "not bad, but i am thinking of trading it in for a convertible" is the cue to initiate an intimate albeit coded exchange of fellow feeling.

it is a given of male existence that we do not tell other men we r in love. nor do we confide that maybe we've found one,that our partner doesn't truly understand us , or that we wish our bottoms were smaller. to a woman, this must suggest men never achieve intimacy.

never forget that those two boys playing with their Matchbox cars may be forging an intimate relationship,but they r also racing their cars. if one were to turn to the others and confess he wasn't sure if his was the best car-maybe it was inadequate in certain areas,maybe its bottom was too big-his friend would probably reply,"too right.."

that's why we emote through footie,philosophy and "brrrrrm brrrmmmm!!!" noises......


Tuesday, July 7, 2009



aku agak hepi...
tapi agak sedih...
dua2 aku taktaw apa sebab...
takkan da gla kott..hak2..

tapi pepehal pun...
kita kna hepy!!!!

Hatiku rasa bahagia
Pabila kau bersama
Tiada gundah gulana
Merosak hati kita

Mari kita berganding dengan tangan
Jauhkan segala peperangan
Kita cipta irama
Di dalam melodinya
Kita nyanyi bersama

Hakikat dia sementara saja
Kembalikan ke waktunya

Hatiku rasa bahagia
Pabila kau bersama.. ye…yeh..
Tiada gundah gulana
Merosak hati kita

Mari kita berganding dengan tangan
Jauhkan segala peperangan
Kita cipta irama
Di dalam melodinya
Kita nyanyi bersama

Lebih baik cinta daripada benci..
Lebih baik setia dari iri hati…
Menyanyi dan menari sesuka hati…
Janji kita!!…………………. Happy!!

Hakikat dia sementara saja
Kembalikan ke waktunya



Sunday, July 5, 2009



knapa nh...?
jiwa kaco la..

kaco yang amat nh...
tatw knapa..

sbb mimpi ptang td ka..?
tak mungkin..

bodo r kalo sbb mimpi uh..
tak kott..

rasa mcm ada sumthing yg
besar aku ngah pikir skang nh..

apa Dia???

ada tak sapa2 yg taw..?
ada tak..?


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

a great start of July


ar nh 1 July 09'
1st day of my beloved month...

6.45 a.m:
bgun smayang subuh

6.55 a.m:
tdo blik..zzZ
~hujan gla..

10.05 a.m:
bgun blik..
start nk carik mkn pagi..

10.13 a.m:
g mndi..
huhu..sjok gla..

10.35 a.m:
siap2 nk g mkn n nk kuar g USM

11.38 a.m:
smpai USM..
dftr siap2 n tgu glrn nk jupak doktor..

1.20 p.m:
slesai sgala agenda ngan doktor..
siap dapat 2 apointmen lagik..

1.40 p.m:
pok jat n syeri dtg amek..
nk g amek ipe lak..

1.55 p.m:
tak jd g amek ipe dlu..
singgah TESCO nk g pjabat pos..
(nk tmpat econ sja)hak2..
bengong punya pjabat pos tamaw trima parcel..

2.18 p.m:
g pjabat pos laen..
g amek ipe lak pastuh..
skang nh peroot da bapak punya kosong..
nk g mkn lak..

3.00 p.m:
smpai kat Zaeman Nasi Kukus..
sedddaaaap gla nasik dia tapi pedas!!!
jupak Chek gak kat stu..

3.55 p.m:
g Maxis Centre nk amek baju n dgr briefing..
bwak pok jat skali msuk..
aku da kerah dia dtg roadshow ngan aku esok..
skali lagi aku keja ngan Maxis..

5.32 p.m:
setel semua..
antar ipe balik n aku g amek keta..
gerak blik umah...


nh skang ngah update blog n rep all
FS komens...
jap ag nk smayang isyak n trus tdo..
esk kna bgn awal..
roadshow start at 9..


