Friday, July 17, 2009

the real story bout MALE INTIMACY

...why can't men talk to each other
about feelings?
they do but in their
own language...

it isn't true that men don't talk about their emotions, their relationships n fears. we do it all the time. the only difference between women n men is that male intimacy has always taken place in code.

it begins early, when boys realise that if u want someone to be ur friend you get ur Matchbox car n go "brrrmmmm!!!" over his sandals. he will respond by getting out of his Matchbox and making that "Neee-eeow-ccrassh!!" noise that is universal among boys of all ages.

later,they will compare the specifications of their model cars and later still the cars themselves. although the subject matter changes, the subtext remains constant. "Nice car, mate" means "will u be my friend?"
and "not bad, but i am thinking of trading it in for a convertible" is the cue to initiate an intimate albeit coded exchange of fellow feeling.

it is a given of male existence that we do not tell other men we r in love. nor do we confide that maybe we've found one,that our partner doesn't truly understand us , or that we wish our bottoms were smaller. to a woman, this must suggest men never achieve intimacy.

never forget that those two boys playing with their Matchbox cars may be forging an intimate relationship,but they r also racing their cars. if one were to turn to the others and confess he wasn't sure if his was the best car-maybe it was inadequate in certain areas,maybe its bottom was too big-his friend would probably reply,"too right.."

that's why we emote through footie,philosophy and "brrrrrm brrrmmmm!!!" noises......
